Mysteries Of The World People Have Been Smoking For 12000 Years

Mysteries Of The World People Have Been Smoking For 12000 Years
November 7, 2023

Location: Northern Utah, U.S.A.

Year Discovered: 2021

Est. Value: N/A

People have been smoking for 12,000 years, love it or hate it. As of October 2021, research suggests that is the case. In the fall of 2021, archaeologists in north Utah discovered an old hearth with four burned tobacco seeds.

This was the earliest instance of tobacco use discovered in antiquity.It is considered as one of the Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places.

Mysteries Of The World People Have Been Smoking For 12000 Years

The tobacco leaves are believed to have been utilized by hunter-gatherers to cook their meal, while the seeds date back 12,000 years. This discovery proves that tobacco use by humans began 9,000 years earlier than previously believed by archaeologists.
