Why Does My Ear Hurt on the Inside and How to Fix It?

why does my ear hurt on the inside and how to fix it
December 9, 2023

Have you ever experienced a sharp or throbbing pain deep inside your ear? Inner ear pain can be a discomforting sensation that can interfere with your daily life. In this article, I will explore the various causes of inner ear pain and provide insights into effective treatments and preventive measures.

Inner ear pain can have multiple causes, ranging from common issues like impacted earwax to more complex conditions like middle ear infections and dental problems. Understanding the root cause of your pain is crucial in finding the right solution and finding relief.

Impacted earwax, for instance, can lead to blockage and pain in the ear canal. This occurs when your ears fail to naturally clear wax, resulting in a buildup that causes discomfort. On the other hand, middle ear infections, often triggered by colds, allergies, or sinus infections, can lead to fluid buildup and infection, causing significant pain.

Dental issues can also be a surprising source of inner ear pain. Tooth abscesses and impacted molars can radiate pain to the ears, making it essential to address dental health concerns to alleviate inner ear discomfort. Additionally, TMJ pain, resulting from teeth grinding or arthritis, can manifest as ear pain or facial pain.

Seeking treatment from a specialist, such as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor, is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Depending on the underlying cause of your inner ear pain, treatments may include ear drops, antibiotics, pain medication, or dental intervention.

Key Takeaways:

  • Inner ear pain can have various causes, including impacted earwax, middle ear infections, dental issues, and TMJ pain.
  • Consulting with a specialist, such as an ENT doctor, is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
  • Treatment options for inner ear pain may include ear drops, antibiotics, pain medication, or dental intervention.
  • Home remedies like warm compresses and over-the-counter pain relief can provide temporary relief.
  • Preventive measures, such as maintaining ear hygiene and addressing dental health, can help reduce the occurrence of inner ear pain.

Causes and Treatment for Inner Ear Pain

Inner ear pain can occur due to various causes and understanding them is crucial for effective treatment. The most common causes of inner ear pain include impacted earwax, middle ear infections, dental issues, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.

Impacted earwax: When earwax fails to clear naturally, it can accumulate and block the ear canal, leading to pain and discomfort. Seeking professional assistance for earwax removal is recommended to alleviate the pain.

Middle ear infections: These are often the result of colds, allergies, or sinus infections. The infection causes fluid buildup in the middle ear, leading to pain and potential complications. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection and reduce the pain.

Dental issues: Tooth abscesses and impacted molars can cause referred ear pain. The pain from the dental issue can radiate to the ear, making it crucial to address dental problems promptly to alleviate the associated ear pain.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain: TMJ pain can result from teeth grinding, arthritis, or joint dysfunction. The pain can radiate to the ears or face, causing inner ear pain. Treatment for TMJ pain may involve dental interventions, physical therapy, or medication to relieve pain and improve joint function.

Treatment for Inner Ear Pain

The treatment options for inner ear pain depend on the underlying cause. For impacted earwax, ear drops or professional earwax removal may be recommended. Middle ear infections often require antibiotics to treat the infection and reduce inflammation. Dental issues causing ear pain may necessitate dental treatment, such as tooth extraction or root canal therapy.

In cases of TMJ pain, a combination of treatments may be employed, including pain medication, physical therapy, bite guards, or orthodontic intervention. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an ENT specialist or dentist, to accurately diagnose the cause of inner ear pain and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Additionally, there are some remedies that may help alleviate ear pain symptoms. These include warm compresses applied to the affected ear, over-the-counter pain relief medication, and maintaining good ear hygiene. However, it is important to note that these remedies may provide temporary relief and should not replace professional medical advice.

Table: Causes of Inner Ear Pain

Cause Symptoms Treatment
Impacted earwax Ear blockage, pain, hearing loss Ear drops, professional earwax removal
Middle ear infections Ear pain, fluid buildup, hearing loss Antibiotics, ear drops, pain relief medication
Dental issues Toothache, radiating ear pain Dental treatment (extraction, root canal)
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain Ear and facial pain, jaw clicking or popping Pain medication, physical therapy, dental interventions


As I conclude this article, I want to emphasize the importance of seeking medical attention for inner ear pain. If you experience persistent or worsening symptoms, it is crucial to consult with a specialist, such as an ENT, who can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Fortunately, there are various options available to relieve inner ear pain. Depending on the underlying cause, treatments may include ear drops, antibiotics, pain medication, or dental intervention. These treatments can effectively alleviate symptoms and provide relief for patients.

In addition to medical intervention, there are also home remedies that can help with inner ear pain relief. Applying warm compresses to the affected area and using over-the-counter pain relief can be helpful in managing symptoms.

Lastly, prevention is key in avoiding future episodes of inner ear pain. Simple measures, such as avoiding the use of cotton swabs, maintaining good ear hygiene, and addressing dental health, can go a long way in preventing ear pain. By taking these preventive steps, you can minimize the likelihood of experiencing inner ear pain in the future.


What are the common causes of inner ear pain?

The common causes of inner ear pain include impacted earwax, middle ear infections, dental issues, and TMJ pain.

How does impacted earwax cause inner ear pain?

Impacted earwax occurs when the ears fail to clear wax naturally, leading to blockage and pain in the ear canal.

What can cause middle ear infections?

Middle ear infections can be caused by colds, allergies, or sinus infections, leading to fluid buildup and infection in the middle ear.

Can dental issues cause inner ear pain?

Yes, dental issues such as tooth abscesses and impacted molars can cause referred ear pain.

What is TMJ pain?

TMJ pain is pain in the temporomandibular joint, which can be caused by teeth grinding or arthritis. It can radiate to the ears or face.

How can inner ear pain be treated?

Treatment options for inner ear pain depend on the underlying cause and may include ear drops, antibiotics, pain medication, or dental intervention.

What should I do if I have inner ear pain?

It is recommended to seek medical attention from a specialist, such as an ENT, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Are there any home remedies for inner ear pain?

Home remedies such as warm compresses and over-the-counter pain relief may help alleviate symptoms of inner ear pain.

How can I prevent inner ear pain?

Preventive measures for inner ear pain include avoiding cotton swabs, maintaining ear hygiene, and addressing dental health.

When should I consult a healthcare professional about my ear pain?

You should consult a healthcare professional if ear pain persists, worsens, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms.