Mysteries Of The World French Gold Buried In Normandy

Mysteries Of The World French Gold Buried In Normandy
November 8, 2023

Location: Normandy, France

Year Discovered: 2016

Est. Value: $4 million*

A Frenchman who inherited his family’s Normandy home did not anticipate discovering a hidden treasure there. But all changed for him when he discovered a strange-looking tinplate box securely bolted under some furniture. When he opened the box, he discovered riches and an old whisky bottle inside.

But that wasn’t all; the Frenchman also found more gold bars concealed with the liquor, as well as additional bars all about the house.

Mysteries Of The World French Gold Buried In Normandy

Standing atop an elaborate display of hundreds of gold bars and coins weighing more than 220lb, the rather literal treasure hunt came to a conclusion. The collection went for a staggering €3.5 million ($4 million/£3.1 million).
