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Leo which has been compared to Rajini’s worst flop film

Leo which has been compared to Rajini's worst flop film

Leo which has been compared to Rajini's worst flop film

A film cannot be screened with only 20% of the audience. Theater owners are declaring war, stating that the Leo film represents a great loss for the country. We were tricked into thinking we would make money off of this high-budget Vijay movie. They are demanding an answer from the producer on this.

Typically, distributors that purchase a film and distribute it to theaters keep 60% of the proceeds for themselves and give the theaters the remaining 40%. Since the producer has made significant financial investments in the movie, it was stipulated that theaters would not be able to pay 40% of the total expenditure.

It was decided at the conclusion of the talks that the theater would receive 25%. The owners of the theater reasoned that they could keep the proceeds from the car and bike parking, canteen, and ticket sales even if we don’t turn a profit.

But just 20% of the audience attended the theater throughout the first three days. Aside from that, the interval time was shortened since the government ordered all five programs to end at midnight. Theaters have been placed into a difficult scenario where they are without patrons and are losing money as a result.


Now that they have experienced a significant loss, the theater owners are waving the white flag against Lalith and Vijay. There are rumors that Vijay was the film’s initial producer and that Lalit is only a part of the production team. There is a subliminal suggestion that Vijay will make up for this setback.

In a similar vein, Rajinikanth’s 2014 film Linga was a commercial failure. Distributors purchased the movie at that time for a hefty sum. However, the movie was a bad compilation. Rajinikanth made a sizable payment to make up for this loss.

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